Friday, June 15, 2007

From Bethells

I couldn't help it - a little flavour of our West Coast beaches - this taken from a high point on Bethells Beach. Quite hard to capture the mood of that tempestuous stretch of ocean, but I had fun anyway.
and actually, when the light catches the painting at different points, it seems to add to the moodiness.
. . . this is an acrylic on board.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So here's another acrylic - on canvas this time - measuring 1220 x 300 x 40 mm, so quite large. I was thinking of time, and how it seems to enclose so much within its machinations, and not particularly friendly!
I also liked the idea of the shape of a Grandfather clock, so it's hinted at, without being too obvious.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

There's More to Life than the Visible World

This one was fun to do. I did a stencil of the planet and then filled in all the details. Lots of texture (even evident behind the background colour - there are strips of different height).
The usual little houses, fences, trees and the odd person. There's even a tiny Sky Tower marking the spot as Auckland.