Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Final stages of painting.

Well, it's only odd details now, that probably won't show up on a distant photograph. SO, it's nearly done! Hope you like. Fun exercise working out textures and colours. Helen and I had a hamburger on the crater rim of Mt Eden last night, and it was weird seeing my painting stretched out before me. Made a much needed readjustment to the back of the museum and added the new dome roof.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Continuing the Police Oil painting (see before)

Continuing this painting - as the oil dries - I've now reached the Fifth phase, with a couple more to do. The sequence of pictures as follows:

Friday, January 26, 2007

Three new bird paintings

Trying my hand at NATIVE BIRDS. They are:

Wood pigeons. . .

Waxeyes and . . .

the good old TUI.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oil triptych for the Police

Oh, the real excitement of some COMMISSIONED work. This is a group of three canvases for the Auckland City District Police boardroom, which is where they not only have conferences but get interviewed by media, and I have the joy of providing the backdrop for such salubrious activities. I've measured area, and purchased three very large expensive canvases, and then dropped some black into background except for sky. . .

Then I've used an oil crayon to loosely draw in the elements. (The more I can keep it loose, the better they seem to look).

After that it's just a case of honing in and deciding how best to capture the details. So far, it's the sky and the sea, and some slashes of colour for tree and building.

as you can see on the closeup, I prefer the effect gained when the texture of the background can be 'brushed' through with rough brush and light colour.

I'm about a third of the way there. . . watch this space.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A couple of new ink and gouache paintings

Did two more paintings tonight, to sell (I hope).
First one is of a Rotorua Polynesian Spa building, from a distance. This one I DO quite like. It's more inky and less precise, and it's that whimsy I love. The other is of houses in Wellington, which I think works quite well in this medium.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ngaroto Tree at Dusk

Very happy with this oil painting of a wonderful tree at Peter's home. Almost gave up at the beginning but layer upon layer later, and I think I have what I wanted.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Two new oil paintings in process

I have a number of projects on the go. This is a canvas, done in oils, of a beautiful tree and sunset at Ngaroto Nurseries. It isn't finished yet, but well on the way. Hard to get the golden sunset and the filigree of leaves right, but the gist is there.

A BIGGER project I have underway is to paint some of my friends as Kings or Queens or Dukes etc from ancient times. I have some free wooden panels which I'm using to try out the technique of gesso texture under oil paint. It's interesting but the paintings are going to be heavy. I want to have an exhibition which I can have for free at a friend's cafe she is opening soon. Got some good ideas, and I'm starting with myself, so as to get the practice one over. It needs a lot more work, but the gist is there. Jennifer the Valkyrie. Appropriate.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Latest painting to go with Lakeside one. . .

I worked on a second painting - to go with the earlier one I did - and finished it today. Hoping to sell both of these as a package on Trade Me.
Both done in that gouache resist style which I love so much. I call this one 'Toi tois at Bethells Beach'.

Just sold St Mary's church, Parnell

Here's an oldy but a goody that just sold on Trade Me. Apparently this will be a wedding present to someone getting married in this church soon, so even better!
And great to have the money during the low January break time. Whew.