Sunday, January 07, 2007

Two new oil paintings in process

I have a number of projects on the go. This is a canvas, done in oils, of a beautiful tree and sunset at Ngaroto Nurseries. It isn't finished yet, but well on the way. Hard to get the golden sunset and the filigree of leaves right, but the gist is there.

A BIGGER project I have underway is to paint some of my friends as Kings or Queens or Dukes etc from ancient times. I have some free wooden panels which I'm using to try out the technique of gesso texture under oil paint. It's interesting but the paintings are going to be heavy. I want to have an exhibition which I can have for free at a friend's cafe she is opening soon. Got some good ideas, and I'm starting with myself, so as to get the practice one over. It needs a lot more work, but the gist is there. Jennifer the Valkyrie. Appropriate.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love this idea!!!